James & Co
James & Co

Local wine maker Ricky has created a selection of fabulous wines - my fave local spot

Black Cat Truffles
Black Cat Truffles

A commercial shoot with Andres and Lynette - a lovely couple who have a truffle farm just outside of Ballarat.

They organise truffle hunts in the winter months with people travelling from afar to be part of the centuries old practise of searching for and digging up these precious nuggets of deliciousness.

Glasses of champagne served late on a Sunday morning and towards the end of the shoot. Gorgeous!

Black Cat Truffles
Black Cat Truffles

Soft Daphinois cheese coated with fine slivers of truffle and left several days for the flavour to infuse the cheese. Served on crusty bread with a small glass of champagne…. Ooh la la!

Just prior to the performance
Just prior to the performance

Before the auditorium fills, the sound checks are completed … and the smoke machine tested…. nothing can go wrong on this big night of showcasing students’ artistic abilities.

A photographer stands in the empty auditorium checking her camera settings are ready for a few hours of constant shooting.

Drama, dance, song and beautiful sounds from instruments.

A great atmosphere!

Swimming carnival
Swimming carnival

Ubiquitously Australian…. a tanned leg near a swimming hole!

Beautiful butterfly
Beautiful butterfly

A swimming carnival - a local college, a beautiful swimming style

Frozen in mid air
Frozen in mid air

A very talented young performer showing the result of many hours of practise, discipline and rehearsal.

Love of Baroque
Love of Baroque
Beautiful things
Beautiful things

Merchant Rutherglen - beautiful pieces, curated with a keen eye

Merchant Rutherglen
Merchant Rutherglen
Beautiful day
Beautiful day

Merchant Rutherglen on a spring day. The small of freshly brewed coffee wafting in from Valentines Bakery next door, the sound of people talking and laughing and the sophistication of background jazz and easy listening music. A perfect blend


Darwin musician Lilla needed current images to promote gig bookings…


Being photographed can be unnerving - even to people used to performing in public. But we got there

Black Cat Truffles
Black Cat Truffles

The truffle hunting process is fascinating with Lynette and Andres using their retired dog and training up a younger dog to source the truffle.

At the conclusion of the truffle hunt they serve up a variety of gorgeous tastes introducing the flavour of truffles in varying degrees of intensity.

Zucchini soup with a hint of truffle oil, served with crusty bread and lightly truffled butter….. so delicious

Still life - homework?
Still life - homework?

Photography homework - a still life.

I opted for decadent figs, blue cheese, plus sultanas still on the vine and the deep silvery green of sage leaves.

The styling made me very hungry..... so some of the still life became my lunch at the conclusion of the shoot,

It’s a tough life!

Launch of an exhibition at MADE, Ballarat
Launch of an exhibition at MADE, Ballarat

An important exhibition was curated at M.A.D.E. Ballarat celebrating the important contribution of the thousands of Chinese workers who arrived during the gold rush.

The event was launched with great ceremony and fanfare

M.A.D.E - Launch of an Exhibition celebrating the importance of the Chinese culture during the gold rush
M.A.D.E - Launch of an Exhibition celebrating the importance of the Chinese culture during the gold rush

A beautiful evening event at M.A.D.E with guest speakers including Lee Lin Chin

Mojo MADE 563.jpg

Another homework photo on glassware.

Not as easy as it looks

Hagen Angus LR 19.jpg
My jazz lo res 30.jpg
Tech 3 v2.jpg
Pop up - Thai street food
Pop up - Thai street food

Fabulous pop up experience in Rutherglen

James & Co
Black Cat Truffles
Black Cat Truffles
Just prior to the performance
Swimming carnival
Beautiful butterfly
Frozen in mid air
Love of Baroque
Beautiful things
Merchant Rutherglen
Beautiful day
Black Cat Truffles
Still life - homework?
Launch of an exhibition at MADE, Ballarat
M.A.D.E - Launch of an Exhibition celebrating the importance of the Chinese culture during the gold rush
Mojo MADE 563.jpg
Hagen Angus LR 19.jpg
My jazz lo res 30.jpg
Tech 3 v2.jpg
Pop up - Thai street food
James & Co

Local wine maker Ricky has created a selection of fabulous wines - my fave local spot

Black Cat Truffles

A commercial shoot with Andres and Lynette - a lovely couple who have a truffle farm just outside of Ballarat.

They organise truffle hunts in the winter months with people travelling from afar to be part of the centuries old practise of searching for and digging up these precious nuggets of deliciousness.

Glasses of champagne served late on a Sunday morning and towards the end of the shoot. Gorgeous!

Black Cat Truffles

Soft Daphinois cheese coated with fine slivers of truffle and left several days for the flavour to infuse the cheese. Served on crusty bread with a small glass of champagne…. Ooh la la!

Just prior to the performance

Before the auditorium fills, the sound checks are completed … and the smoke machine tested…. nothing can go wrong on this big night of showcasing students’ artistic abilities.

A photographer stands in the empty auditorium checking her camera settings are ready for a few hours of constant shooting.

Drama, dance, song and beautiful sounds from instruments.

A great atmosphere!

Swimming carnival

Ubiquitously Australian…. a tanned leg near a swimming hole!

Beautiful butterfly

A swimming carnival - a local college, a beautiful swimming style

Frozen in mid air

A very talented young performer showing the result of many hours of practise, discipline and rehearsal.

Love of Baroque
Beautiful things

Merchant Rutherglen - beautiful pieces, curated with a keen eye

Merchant Rutherglen
Beautiful day

Merchant Rutherglen on a spring day. The small of freshly brewed coffee wafting in from Valentines Bakery next door, the sound of people talking and laughing and the sophistication of background jazz and easy listening music. A perfect blend


Darwin musician Lilla needed current images to promote gig bookings…


Being photographed can be unnerving - even to people used to performing in public. But we got there

Black Cat Truffles

The truffle hunting process is fascinating with Lynette and Andres using their retired dog and training up a younger dog to source the truffle.

At the conclusion of the truffle hunt they serve up a variety of gorgeous tastes introducing the flavour of truffles in varying degrees of intensity.

Zucchini soup with a hint of truffle oil, served with crusty bread and lightly truffled butter….. so delicious

Still life - homework?

Photography homework - a still life.

I opted for decadent figs, blue cheese, plus sultanas still on the vine and the deep silvery green of sage leaves.

The styling made me very hungry..... so some of the still life became my lunch at the conclusion of the shoot,

It’s a tough life!

Launch of an exhibition at MADE, Ballarat

An important exhibition was curated at M.A.D.E. Ballarat celebrating the important contribution of the thousands of Chinese workers who arrived during the gold rush.

The event was launched with great ceremony and fanfare

M.A.D.E - Launch of an Exhibition celebrating the importance of the Chinese culture during the gold rush

A beautiful evening event at M.A.D.E with guest speakers including Lee Lin Chin


Another homework photo on glassware.

Not as easy as it looks

Pop up - Thai street food

Fabulous pop up experience in Rutherglen

show thumbnails